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Essay. My grandfather is a real hero.
День Победы - 9 Мая
Автор: Бурцева Светлана Николаевна   
05.11.2015 16:26

Essay. My grandfather is a real hero.Essay. My grandfather is a real hero.

In 2015 Russia celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Today I want to tell about my grandfather who did all possible to bring this victory to our country. During the Great Patriotic War my grandfather was an officer of the Soviet Army. He took part in many heroic battles and reached Berlin. On May 9, 1945 the war was over. Everybody was happy. It was the Greatest Victory of the soviet people. “Let’s make the 9th of May our meeting day” said the soldiers and the officers. “Let’s meet every year in Moscow on Red Square”. And so they do now. It has become a tradition to all of them.


Once, my grandfather took me to Moscow on the Victory Day. I was very happy. First of all we watched the Parade, it looked great. Then we went to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A lot of people wanted to honor the memory of those who died, defending peace and happiness of our Motherland. So, we took place at the end of a long line and walked slowly to the memorial. We moved along the alley and saw blocks of red stone with soil from “Hero Cities”. People brought a lot of flowers to the memorial. We honored the memory of the heroes with a minute of silence. We also watched the change of the guard, saw the Eternal Flame, burning at the monument, read great and simple words: “Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal. ” My grandfather met his friends and they remembered the hard days of the war. I listened to their stories with great interest. In the evening we watched a beautiful salute. What a wonderful day it was!

Next year I invited my grandfather and one of his friends to our school. My classmates greeted the veterans with flowers. They told us about heroic battles and about the Victory Parade which took place on June, 24, 1945. Moscow welcomed the heroes. They told and there were tears in the eyes of the veterans and my schoolmates.

I also want to say, we should always remember the heroic deeds of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. We must be thankful to those who gave lives for peace on the Earth and do our best to keep this peace.

Burtseva Svetlana.



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