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Стихи про лето на английском языке для детей
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Автор: Круглов Дмитрий Владимирович   
11.06.2016 10:51

Стихи про лето на английском языке для детейСтихи про лето на английском языке для детей

На данной странице собраны познавательные стихи про лето на английском языке, которые познакомят малышей и школьников с удивительными стихами на английском языке.

When it"s hot
I take my shoes off
I take my shirt off
I take my pants off

I take my underwear off
I take my whole body off
and throw it in the river.
The summer sun in the sky,


Shining, shining up so high
Makes it warm for outside fun.
To play at the park and run,
To swim and hike and fish,

And to go on a picnic if you wish.
Summer brings us nice warm sun
For swimming, fishing, and lots of fun;
For finding seashells in the sand;

For sunbathing to get a tan;
To do all these things and more
At the beach and seashore.

  • **

Summer, my very favourite season
I love it for more than one reason!
The beach, the sun...
No school, more fun...

My friends, EVERYONE!
Craziness, madness is what Summer is all about!
SUMMER the season i cannot live without.

  • **

In my head I hear a humming,
Summer, summer summer"s coming,
Soon we"re going on vacation,
But there is a complication,

Day by day the problem"s growing,
We don"t know yet where we"re going,
Mother likes the country best,
That"s so she can read and rest,

Dad thinks resting is a bore,
He"s for fishing at the shore,
Sister says swimming"s cool,
Swimming in the swimming pool,

I don"t care,
I"d be happy anywhere,
In my head I hear a humming,
Summer, summer, summer"s coming,

Soon we"re going on vacation,
But we have a complication,
Day by day the problem"s growing,
Where oh where will we be going?

  • **

Summer fun is so grand
It"s so fun to play in the sand
Summer time with family is so fun
you get to laugh and play in the sun

Running around on the beach
and for the ocean they try to reach
Summer fun is so grand
all the little kids run and play hand in hand

Get to play with a beach ball
seems like your there all day long
Making sand castles is really grand
just laughing and playing in the sand.

  • **

Where are you going, summer breeze?
Off beyond the fields and trees.
What do you see when you blow that way?
Children jumping from bales of hay.

What do you hear as you travel the land?
People dancing to an outdoor band.
What do you smell as you rush about?
The perfume of blossoms bursting out.

What do you taste as you soar up high?
Fresh corn on the cob and apple pie.
What do you feel as you climb to great heights?
The heat of the day and the warmth of the nights.

What do you wish for as you leave?
Let all folks enjoy this midsummer"s eve.



ЖУРНАЛ Дошкольник.РФ

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